

Many congratulations to all of our winners and highly commended!


Best apprenticeship scheme

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Winner: Thales

Best digital and technology initiative in HR/L&D

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Winner: HSC Leadership Centre

Best employee experience programme

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Winner: Northern Ireland Water

Best equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) initiative

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Winner: Northern Ireland Screen

Best flexible working strategy

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Winner: ASCERT

Best health and wellbeing initiative

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Winner: Simon Community NI

Highly commended: Almac Group

Best HR student

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Winner: Jaye Nangle, The LYCRA Company

Best HR/L&D and OD consultant/consultancy

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Winner: LMK Consultancy

Best HR/OD/L&D team

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Winner: Thales

Best learning and development initiative

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Winner: Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council

Best people management in an SME

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Winner: Continu

Best resourcing and talent strategy

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Winner: Education Authority NI

Rising star of the people profession

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Winner: Caiti O’Neill, Finnebrogue

Outstanding contribution in the field of people development in Northern Ireland

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Winner: Don Leeson, Chartered FCIPD